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Image by Michal Czyz

“Stories are medicine. I have been taken with stories since I heard my first. They have such power; they do not require that we do, be, act, anything - we need only listen.”


Clarissa Pinkola Estés



Dr Maria Christodoulou

Having struggled with, rebelled against, and resigned herself to the many stories people tell themselves about who doctors are, Maria created the Awakening Doctor podcast to tell the real stories. By revealing the vulnerability and humanity of medical professionals and healers who defy the stereotypes, she hopes to challenge and transform the dominant cultural narrative and create a space for doctor-patient relationships that are based on our shared humanity.

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Amy Kaye

Amy Kaye believes that everyone has a story to tell. With her background in documentary-making for film and radio, she is passionate about helping people tell their stories and find their voices using writing as a tool for healing. She is a published writer and poet. Since founding her company Write On! in 2012, she has edited, coached and co-written a variety of books, plays, blogs and award-winning films for her writing students and clients. 

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